
Frozen Winter Wonderland Party

Frozen Winter Wonderland Party…My baby girl just turned three, and since her birthday falls in winter, and since she loves Disney’s Frozen, we threw her a Frozen Winter Wonderland Third Birthday Party!  It was a huge hit, she was so excited to see all the decorations and the Christmas tree when she woke up. And bonus for me, half my holiday decorations were done for the season!  Check out the pics, and scroll down to the bottom for an extra special announcement…

Baby · Life

Freak Show Circus Theme First Birthday for Baby K

Freak Show Circus Theme First Birthday……

My Baby Boy recently turned one and while I was drawn to the adorable circus and carnival themed parties I saw online, they just lacked that pizzazz I wanted for my birthday boy.  Especially because I had to live up to the Great Gatsby Themed First Birthday we threw for his big sister!  I knew I wanted something masculine yet cute, but also unique and maybe even a bit edgy.  I brainstormed our favorite travel locations and my mind was instantly drawn to Coney Island with its delicious hot dogs and ice cream and, of course, the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth.  And thus was born Baby K’s Freak Show Circus themed first birthday party…

Baby · Life

Dinos and Donuts 2nd Birthday Party for Baby J

Dinos and Donuts 2nd Birthday Party…My little girl recently turned two and we threw her a Dinosaurs and Donuts party!  She absolutely loves dinosaurs, and I absolutely love doughnuts, so it was a perfect combination. And it wasn’t even that hard to throw a dinosaur party with a feminine vibe…

Baby · Life

Great Gatsby First Birthday Party for Baby J

Great Gatsby First Birthday Party for Baby J…First birthday parties are so memorable for us new moms, and I wanted Baby J’s to be fabulous. What could possibly be more elegant and glamorous than a 1920s, Great Gatsby themed party!?! This party had a lot of DIYs–the backdrop, the photo booth, the Ferrero Rocher tower, the cake smash photo backdrop, the ostrich feather bouquet, the baked goods, and the crystal tree…