
2018 Resolutions to be a Better Person

2018 Resolutions to be a Better Person…Being a better person is the top New Years Resolution for 2018, which is funny because that’s exactly what I planned on making my goal for this year. Last year I made Beauty Resolutions, and every year before that it has been weight loss resolutions, but I for one feel like it’s time to be less superficial and really make some positive changes in my life…


Beauty Resolutions for 2017

Beauty Resolutions for 2017…New Year’s Resolutions are hard. They involve sacrifice, dedication, will power, hard work, and suffering. Why go through all that for weeks or months (because let’s be honest, most people make resolutions they don’t keep much longer than February). Why not resolve to do something for yourself that is fun, has immediate results, makes you look amazing, and helps you feel good about yourself? Now those are resolutions anybody can stick to!…